What is Rcc Pipe?

Precast Pipes made of cement, steel & concrete through spinning and vertical casting, also known as Hume pipes & Spun Pipes.

What are the types of Rcc Pipes?

As per Bureau of Indian Standards there are four class of Rcc Pipes
Non Pressure 1 also known as Np1
Non Pressure 2 also known as Np2
Non Pressure 3 also known as Np3
Non Pressure 4 also known as Np4

What is full form of Np2?

As per Bureau of Indian Standards there are four class of Rcc Pipes
Non Pressure 2 also known as Np2

What is a manhole drain?

A manhole, is an access point to an underground utility network, such as a drainage system. The presence of a drain or sewer manhole allows the underground pipes to be inspected, surveyed, unblocked, cleaned, or repaired.

What is the meaning of Np3?

Reinforced cement concrete Non pressure of class 3 pipe. (high strength pipe) it is used where the huge amount of water.

Why are manholes round?

Reason why most of the Manholes are round:
i)  Because there are no angles for alignment
ii) The round shape makes these heavy covers easier to put back on once they’re taken off.
iii)Round Manhole won’t accidentally fall into the manhole itself.

What is the full form of RCC?

The Full form of RCC is Reinforced Cement Concrete

Who is responsible for replacing drain covers?

Generally, the local water and sewage authority is responsible for maintaining, repairing and replacing manhole and drain covers on public property such as streets, pavements and parks.

How many types of RCC slabs are there?
The major types of concrete slabs used in construction are one-way joist slab, flat slab, flat plate, waffle slab, hollow core slab, precast slab, slabs on grade, hardy slab, and composite slab.
What is the minimum thickness of RCC slab?

It totally depends on the load it will be passing upon. Most generally we suggest that 3″ for sidewalk, 4″ for patios, 6″ for driveway and minimum 4″ thick for parking.

What is M20 grade concrete?
Mixture of cement, sand and aggregate which are prepared in such a manner that a cement concrete cube of size 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm is formed with characteristic strength (fck) of 20mpa while examining it after being cured for 20 days
Where RCC pipe is used?

Rcc Pipes are widely used for water drainage, sewerage, Irrigation.

What is Np2 pipe?
Non Pressure 2 Spigot and socket ended pipes shall be used for water mains, sewer, irrigation and culverts/cross drains Flush.
What is a Hume pipes?
A Hume pipe is a concrete tube with reinforced bar. It was invented by the Hume brothers in Australia in 1910.
What is a Pressure Test & How it is done?
When testing the pipe line hydraulically, the line shall be kept filled completely with water for a week. The pressure shall then be increased gradually to full test pressure as indicated in and maintained at this pressure during the period of test with the permissible allowance indicated therein. For further details reference may be made to IS 458-1971.
What are the types of Joints in Rcc Pipes?
i) Bandage joint
ii) Spigot and socket joint (rigid and semiflexible)
iii) Collar joint (rigid and semiflexible)
iv) Flush joint (Internal and external)
How Laying and Jointing of Rcc Pipes is done?
The concrete pipes should be carefully loaded, transported and unloaded a avoiding impact. The use of inclined planes or chain pulley block is recommenced. Trench shall provide free working space on each side of the pipe which shall not be greater than 1/3 the Dia of the pipe but not less than 15 cm on either side.
What is Hume pipe culvert?
A hume pipe is a concrete tube with reinforced bar. It was invented by the Hume brothers in Australia in 1910. A hume pipe is formed by pouring concrete into a formwork, and axially rotating it, and allowing it to compact using centrifugal force. A hume pipe can withstand internal and external pressure well, and is primarily used for sewer pipes, agricultural waterways, and residential construction. Anti-bacterial concrete is commonly used in hume pipes.
Is code of Hume pipe?

IS: 456 – code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete

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What is Manhole?

A manhole refers to an entry and exist way provided in roadways for work and inspection of sewer ways, electric and communication cable laid underground, and the like. They are placed at the origination and branching points of pipelines. Manholes are primarily made of steel or concrete. Anti-bacterial concrete is commonly used in manholes.